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Go tool pprof使用方式
#web服务器:import ( "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof")#一般应用程序(实际应用无web交互)import ( "net/http" _ "runtime/pprof")复制代码
Go tool pprof辅助工具安装(图形工具graphviz为例)
1.官方下载安装包: 下载Stable稳定版本(.msi) 2.配置PATH系统环境变量: C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin -
yum list available 'graphviz*'yum install 'graphviz*' --skip-broken#备注:--skip-broken可选:跳过错误依赖,不加这个参数会提示安装包依赖错误,因为这里并不需要其它的安装包,所以跳过即可。复制代码
方式2).源码包编译安装 ./configure make make install
- MacOS: brew install graphviz
Go tool pprof常用基本调试基本命令(默认30s采集时间,可通过--seconds)
Heap profile:
go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap 复制代码
CPU profile:
go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile 复制代码
Goroutine blocking profile:
go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/block 复制代码
1.实时通过地址查看浏览器: 2.通过生成的profile文件分析;
选择指定的profile压缩gz文件(.gz),使用go tool pprof进入go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile#结束后直接进入交互:(pprof) web(pprof)复制代码
如查看历史调试文件信息,通过指定的profile文件进入即可: go tool pprof [*.gz]
pprof交互基本命令:web 直接生成web浏览器可访问的svg图;
(其他命令自行摸索) Windows下自动生成.svg文件且调用默认浏览器访问; MacOS下自动生成.gz文件,系统限制可根据提示文件路径通过手动访问查看;【注意事项】: profile文件为空的问题, heap和block一般不受影响。 执行交互web命令会报:
(pprof) webprofile is empty(pprof) 复制代码
产生原因: pprof内存分析器采取抽样的方式,它仅仅从一些内存分配的子集中收集信息。有可能对一个对象的采样与被采样对象的大小成比例。通过使用go test --memprofilerate标识,或者通过程序启动时 的运行配置中的MemProfileRate变量来改变调整这个采样的比例。如果比例为1,则会导致全部申请的信息都会被收集,但是这样的话将会使得执行变慢。默认的采样比例是每512KB的内存申请就采样一次。
- 方法1).在进行调试时,指定运行参数,或运行代码中动态调整参数
go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile复制代码
此命令将会打印耗费最多CPU时间的函数列表。 这里有几种可用的输出形式,最实用的有 --text, --web 和 --list。运行 "go tool pprof" 来得到完整的列表。
【备注】: 实际测试时,MacOS下基本是空的,需要指定参数。
方法2).设置环境变量(此方法极不推荐!)设置Go环境变量 GODEBUG="memprofilerate=1".
附pprof 交互命令help说(部分命令需要第三方工具支持):
(pprof) help Commands: cmd [n] [--cum] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* Produce a text report with the top n entries. Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex. Add --cum to sort using cumulative data. Available commands: callgrind Outputs a graph in callgrind format disasm Output annotated assembly for functions matching regexp or address dot Outputs a graph in DOT format eog Visualize graph through eog evince Visualize graph through evince gif Outputs a graph image in GIF format gv Visualize graph through gv list Output annotated source for functions matching regexp pdf Outputs a graph in PDF format peek Output callers/callees of functions matching regexp png Outputs a graph image in PNG format proto Outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format ps Outputs a graph in PS format raw Outputs a text representation of the raw profile svg Outputs a graph in SVG format tags Outputs all tags in the profile text Outputs top entries in text form top Outputs top entries in text form tree Outputs a text rendering of call graph web Visualize graph through web browser weblist Output annotated source in HTML for functions matching regexp or address peek func_regex Display callers and callees of functions matching func_regex. dot [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file] Produce an annotated callgraph with the top n entries. Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex. For other outputs, replace dot with: - Graphic formats: dot, svg, pdf, ps, gif, png (use > to name output file) - Graph viewer: gv, web, evince, eog callgrind [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file] Produce a file in callgrind-compatible format. Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex. weblist func_regex [-ignore_regex]* Show annotated source with interspersed assembly in a web browser. list func_regex [-ignore_regex]* Print source for routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex. disasm func_regex [-ignore_regex]* Disassemble routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex. tags tag_regex [-ignore_regex]* List tags with key:value matching tag_regex and exclude ignore_regex. quit/exit/^D Exit pprof. option=value The following options can be set individually: cum/flat: Sort entries based on cumulative or flat data call_tree: Build context-sensitive call trees nodecount: Max number of entries to display nodefraction: Min frequency ratio of nodes to display edgefraction: Min frequency ratio of edges to display focus/ignore: Regexp to include/exclude samples by name/file tagfocus/tagignore: Regexp or value range to filter samples by tag eg "1mb", "1mb:2mb", ":64kb" functions: Level of aggregation for sample data files: lines: addresses: unit: Measurement unit to use on reports Sample value selection by index: sample_index: Index of sample value to display mean: Average sample value over first value Sample value selection by name: alloc_space for heap profiles alloc_objects inuse_space inuse_objects total_delay for contention profiles mean_delay contentions : Clear focus/ignore/hide/tagfocus/tagignore(pprof)复制代码